The Marvelous Benefits of Using Heavy Duty Log Splitters for Hassle-Free Wood Work

One thing that you cannot deny the benefits of using log splitters is the fact that they help you reduce costs. They also ensure that your trees are not damaged and you have more control over the type of wood you use in your projects.

This means that you can create products of better quality at a cheaper price which leads to a higher profit margin for you. There are a number of benefits of using a log splitter. It is a very cost-efficient way to split wood. This especially applies to larger trees.

Saving Tons of Money in the Long Run

Even if you do not cut the tree personally you will save a lot of money on gas and petrol. You also save time as you do not have to remove dead branches and take up rubbish when you use the power tools. However, there are a few key features that you need to look out for when buying a new machine.

The first key feature is the minimum operating pressure required for the logs. You should be able to get at least ten inches of water out of each log. Ideally, you should be able to get at least twenty inches. It should also come with a high-efficiency blade that can handle heavier loads.

The second feature is the maximum length of the blades. Some machines offer different settings on how long the blades can be. Look for one that offers a maximum length that matches the average growth of your trees. This should also match the average width of your trees.

Dealing with Larger Branches

Remember that larger branches will grow out over time and you need to be able to manage this when using the machine. The third key feature is the hardness rating on the blades. Hardness rating can determine how much control you have over the speed and direction in which the logs split.

The higher the hardness, the less control you will have. Look for a high hardness rating that matches what you will experience with your natural environment. The fourth feature is the number of fumes produced. Some models emit fumes into the air while operating.

Considering the Best Brands or Models

The better brands will not produce any fumes at all. Consider the location of the machine when determining its emissions as well. If you are operating the machine outside, electric splitters should be able to run without fumes at all.

The last four features to look at are the controls and accessories. There are two types of electric log splitters: manual and automatic. The manual type has a clutch system to set the cutting speed. Some models allow you to manually operate the swisher.

Some models are equipped with both a manual and automatic swisher. The fifth and final feature to consider is the cycle time. Cycle time is the amount of time it takes to cut one log. The larger the wheel diameter, the more efficient the motor will be.

A smaller wheel diameter will result in less power output than larger wheel diameter, so if your usage requires a small amount of horsepower, choose a smaller model. The fifth benefit to using log splitters is fuel efficiency. If you are looking for the best tractor powered wood chippers, we just about that for you!

A Look at Gasoline-Powered Choices

Gasoline produces higher emissions than electric. Using gas log splitters will reduce your overall fuel consumption. This is important because our country relies on gas as a form of transportation. It is important to be as efficient as possible to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.

The sixth benefit to consider is that gas-log splitters produce clean air. As a result, you can use less wood and less gas by converting logs into fuel for your firewood stove. This saves the environment by reducing the carbon footprint.

Many homeowners also find that they can cook more foods using electricity rather than gas because they do not need to constantly add oil to their food. The seventh benefit to consider is choosing a good-quality ax. Choosing a good ax will ensure that you get the most enjoyment out of using log splitters.

Be sure to look at the length of the handle and select an ax with a comfortable handle fit. You should also consider the weight of the ax. You will want an ax that is easy to wield and does not cause you to strain. Look for an ax with a tapered head for a comfortable feel in your hands.


Finally, you will want a comfortable and sturdy stand. Good-quality firewood racks can be found online or at your local hardware store. Stands for log splitters vary in size and price.

The size of your yard and the amount of firewood you will need will help determine the size of the stand you will need. Consider the cost of the stands when comparing costs between different brands.