The Essential Guide to Press Release Distribution Services

Find the appropriate press release distribution service can make an enormous impactful statement about your brand or SEO visibility – make sure that they provide access to a media database as well as analytics and reporting features for optimal results.

Building an extensive news distribution service takes time and effort. Utilizing one will save your company both time and resources.


As with any service listed in Parkat, press release distribution services vary considerably in cost. Some are more costly than others; most provide add-ons that increase their value such as writing services or even providing a press release generator to assist small businesses write effective releases; others even offer SEO services to help businesses be found online.

When selecting a press release distribution service, it’s essential to consider its cost in relation to your business goals. If your aim is to generate excitement for a new product on busy shopping days, the price may justify itself; but if your goal is increasing brand credibility or improving search engine optimization (SEO), an affordable distribution solution could be better suited.

One of the greatest advantages of newswires is their ability to ensure placement of your press release, which increases its likelihood of being picked up by reporters. Unfortunately, many newswires charge high distribution fees and have outdated websites which make navigation difficult.

Sitetrail stands out in this area as an innovative company, providing highly competitive pricing with access to global news outlets. Their all-in-one solution combines writing, distribution and monitoring – perfect for busy small business owners looking for quick exposure in front of journalists quickly and easily. iCrowdNewswire offers cutting edge advertising solutions designed to redefine how news is consumed – their most popular plan includes three 700 word news articles distributed via leading media sites globally for $999 per plan.


Press releases can make or break your company, so making sure they reach their intended audiences is of vital importance. That is why many businesses utilize distribution services to distribute their news among local, regional, and national media outlets.

The top press release distribution services utilize an extensive network of journalists and media outlets, which allows them to rapidly place your press release in front of those most important to your business. Some services also offer additional features that may help meet marketing goals – for instance targeted distribution to bloggers and influencers or providing SEO tools that enhance search engine optimization (SEO).

Some distribution services also assist you in building relationships with media by offering tools that make contacting reporters directly easier, making follow up on press releases easier, and increasing chances of story pick up. For example, some press release distribution services provide access to databases of local, regional, and national media contacts you can utilize directly for contact.

When selecting a distribution service, be sure to consider its size, scope and target journalist(s). Furthermore, ensure they offer packages tailored specifically to meet your budget and goals – for instance 24-7 Press Release offers an affordable basic package which provides two days on Google and distribution to over 50 premium news websites.

Check for press release distribution services that offer in-depth reporting to enable you to track how your releases perform over time. A great service should provide details such as where your releases appear online, the types of links they received and how many people clicked them.


One of the key steps you can take to increase media coverage is monitoring how well your press releases are doing. Look for services offering performance analytics which provide comprehensive data such as media outlets published, audience demographics and other pertinent details that can help fine-tune future PR efforts.

Note that any distribution service alone won’t generate media coverage for your business; press releases ultimately depend on their newsworthiness and how well written and designed they are, making the story engaging to both journalists and readers. Therefore it is imperative that you dedicate enough time and attention to crafting an appealing tale which is sure to engage both.

As well as offering performance analytics, the top press release distribution services provide their clients with access to various other tools that will assist in reaching their marketing goals. These include press release writers that allow you to tell your story visually as well as media monitoring tools which track where it has been published and online newsrooms which allow your brand to display all its news at one place and tell its tale.

As can be seen, selecting an effective press release distribution service can be a complex endeavor. But with proper strategic thinking behind story identification and development to messaging and pitching, this tool can become invaluable to your business. The key is finding one that meets both industry- and business-specific needs – some services specialize in reaching B2B publications while others excel at mainstream news releases that appeal directly to consumers.


Attracting media coverage for any business is exciting and can greatly benefit its bottom line, including increasing brand recognition, bringing new customers, and strengthening its reputation. But reaching journalists is often challenging; press release distribution services make this process simpler by sending press releases out to multiple outlets that could cover their story.

Choose a PR distribution service based on your goals and needs for your business. While some services specialize strictly in distribution, others may also write press releases for you or provide SEO/performance reporting services. When making your selection, be mindful of budgetary restrictions as well as requirements. You should look for services with proven experience generating traffic or improving rankings.

Press release writing and distribution services can provide many advantages to any organization, such as improving their image, revenue, visibility, credibility and recognition of their services or products. They can also attract more customers or investors while increasing SEO ranking of your website and increasing traffic flow to it.

Press releases are announcements made to inform the general public and potential customers of important news or information related to your company, such as product or service updates, organizational changes, industry events, or anything else relevant to it.

The top press release distribution services have expansive networks that reach journalists worldwide. They can also help you write an engaging press release that attracts journalists and news outlets. Some even provide reports and charts showing just how far your press release has reached.


Media coverage can help build brand recognition and boost search engine rankings, but getting that first piece can seem like an uphill climb. To speed up this process and increase your odds of success, follow these tips:

Choose a press release distribution service that can deliver your news directly to journalists in your target market. Many services offer basic to premium packages, with some even offering white-label distribution whereby news can be distributed without using their branding as part of its brand identity.

When selecting a service, take into account how it meets both your business needs and budget, and whether or not you wish to target specific areas or sectors – some services even allow for targeting both specialized trade publications as well as mainstream consumer-targeted media!

Once you find a service that meets your requirements, take note of its post-release reporting features to assess the success and impact of your campaign on your bottom line. Some services provide metrics like impressions, click-through rates and social shares while other providers like Newswire offer customized reports that allow for deeper analysis to better assess campaign success as well as identify areas for enhancement.

Make sure that the service makes building media connections easy by selecting a platform with an extensive database of journalists or an automated suggestion feature to quickly identify journalists that might cover your news story, like PitchEngine which allows users to create customized media lists as well as features like social sharing and downloadable images.

Prowly provides a more tailored distribution experience, with smart contact recommendations tailored to the content of your news as well as media relations management tools and an analytics feature. Furthermore, its drag-and-drop editor and analytics features can enhance this tool further.