The Impact of Online Gaming on Society

Gaming may carry negative connotations and stereotypes, yet it can serve to bring people together. Online gaming provides the unique ability for individuals around the globe to come together through virtual communities.

Video games may not be seen as works of art by all, yet their influence on mainstream culture cannot be overlooked. It is essential that we acknowledge how gaming can impact society positively.


Gaming is an enjoyable pastime enjoyed by people of all ages. Playing multiplayer games together with friends can create virtual communities where gamers interact. According to researchers, online gaming may help alleviate social anxiety by providing an anonymous space where individuals can communicate freely; and is associated with positive social behaviors like cooperation and altruism.

Recent research has disproved the stereotype of socially isolated gamers by showing that over 70 percent of gamers play with friends, and millions participate in massive multiplayer games like “Farmville” and “World of Warcraft”. Games that encourage collaboration rather than competitive ones tend to lead to greater social interaction between gamers. Gaming also helps develop problem-solving, spatial awareness and decision making skills as well as increasing IQ and emotional intelligence. This article by Ivan Lovre Marusic features a great game for those looking to chill and have funĀ  with friends.

Gaming online has also proven an effective form of communication among friends and family, especially among adolescents. Talking with each other while playing allows them to discuss any recent events in their lives – a benefit particularly valuable to teenagers experiencing problems with real-life relationships.

There is also concern that online gaming can increase reliance and involvement with online social networks, leading to decreased offline social relations and, eventually, gaming disorder. Alienation may contribute to this link between in-game social interactions and disordered gaming behavior as alienated teens tend to preoccupy more with gaming online and less access offline social support systems.

Other negative aspects of online gaming may include sleep deprivation, insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders, depression and aggression. To mitigate these risks, players can limit the time they devote to gaming by engaging in other activities or seeking professional assistance when necessary. It is also highly advised that parents closely supervise their child’s gaming habits to make sure that they do not exceed recommended limits.


Gaming is an enjoyable activity that many enjoy; however, for some individuals it can become an addiction. Gaming addiction is defined as an obsessive preoccupation with video gaming that overtakes all other interests and interferes with daily life activities.

Gaming addiction can lead to social isolation and neglect of friends and family, employment or academic progress collapse, financial strain and health problems. Relying on games may also result in sleep disturbances (difficulty sleeping or staying asleep) and poor eating habits that have an adverse impact on physical well-being.

Some gamers play for long hours every day, sometimes up to several. Some researchers have pointed out that this can lead to decreased productivity in real life and social problems like depression. Gaming may also desensitize young people to violence, leading to aggression or even acts of physical violence in real life.

Though it remains debatable whether online gaming should be classified as a mental illness, many stories in the media indicate that some individuals have become highly addicted to this form of entertainment. We hope that this trend will draw the attention of professionals willing to develop effective treatments for online gamers.

At times, behavioral addictions, including gaming addictions, may co-occur with substance abuse disorders; each issue feeding the other. Therefore it is crucial for anyone afflicted by such coexisting disorders to seek comprehensive treatment that addresses both issues rather than simply treating one.

Although internet gaming addiction remains controversial, its effects can have devastating results for personal lives and relationships. People suffering from this preoccupation require help and support both from friends and family as well as professionals with appropriate intervention strategies.


People tend to believe that online gaming, particularly first-person shooter titles, is violent. There has been much discussion as to whether video game violence equates to real world aggression; in truth, playing video games doesn’t necessarily lead to aggression, although they may trigger violent thoughts and feelings. Before allowing your children to play any video game it is wise to check its PEGI rating so you are aware of any violence, sexual content and/or language content it contains.

Studies suggest that playing violent video games can diminish empathy; this is true but not in the way one would assume. A study published in Frontiers in Psychology discovered there is no correlation between online violence and desensitization to real world violence; that does not imply there aren’t violent people out there – many of them spend a great deal of time playing violent online games!

Some violent gamers have been linked to serious crimes, including Columbine and Newport shootings. However, many criminologists, psychologists, and media scholars believe there is no link between violent video games and actual physical violence; rather they act as an excuse for some to justify their own acts of aggression.

While it’s essential to take note of the negative social impacts associated with online gaming, it should also be remembered that there can be numerous positive outcomes as a result. Studies have demonstrated that playing video games online can improve problem-solving abilities as well as be used as an educational tool in classrooms. Gaming could even help combat depression while providing exercise benefits.

While stereotypes of socially isolated gamers abound, the truth is that more than 70 percent of gamers play with at least one other person and millions worldwide participate in massive online worlds such as Farmville and World of Warcraft. Furthermore, multiple-player games allow children to work cooperatively with others as they learn how to listen and respect different ideas; additionally online multiplayer games provide your child with exposure to people of various nationalities and cultures around the globe and foster lasting friendships worldwide.

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Gaming can be an immersive and stimulating experience that draws people in and engages their senses, making it a popular pastime. Played across various platforms such as PCs, mobile phones and consoles – online gaming can provide social benefits while being consumed excessively can cause health issues like poor grades, inactivity and sedentary lifestyles; thus it is wise to play responsibly without letting gaming interfere with other responsibilities or lead to negative side-effects.

Overgaming can also contribute to musculoskeletal issues such as tendonitis, arthritis and repetitive stress injuries caused by overusing gaming equipment for extended periods such as keyboards and mice. One recent study showed that gamers who spent at least an hour every day playing video games were more likely to develop these disorders; sometimes these injuries can even become severe and debilitating.

One case involved a 29 year old female patient suffering from severe inflammation in both wrists and forearms. Following 12 physiotherapy sessions with both NHS and private physiotherapists, her discomfort still wasn’t gone so she turned to osteopathy as a form of treatment for her injuries; eventually being signed off work due to them but now fully recovering from them.

Gaming has also been used therapeutically, such as helping dyslexic children improve their reading skills or treating PTSD among soldiers with war-based first-person shooter games that mimic real world combat situations. Some researchers have criticized such uses of gaming, as they may not address the cause of symptoms.

Though online gaming can have both positive and negative ramifications on society, it is important to remain cognizant of its risks and how to minimize them. Some key tips include consulting a mental health professional, seeking support from friends and family and engaging in physical wellbeing-promoting activities like participating in organized sports leagues. It’s also wise to take frequent breaks from gaming as well as limit how much time is spent gaming each day – those with an extended gaming addiction may also consider joining an addiction support group for gaming addiction.